Fantasy Novelette "Intertwined Motion" is Now Available on The Amazon Kindle Store

Nine years ago, Ridley's sister, Holly Im, was kidnapped by a blue, fiery wolf god who appeared out of nowhere when they were biking as they always did by the Amoga River. All the wolf god said to the two, prior to kidnapping her, was that Holly was destined to meet The Man Who Would Grant Her Eternity in a faraway place.

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Book Recommendation: The Martian Chronicles

Humanity has historically desired new frontiers. But so much has already been discovered. Where to go from here? Mars of course! It isn’t only the likes of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos who target Mars as our next destination in the history of human exploration. The writers of science fiction have looked to Mars as being almost like a sibling planet, containing all of our vast untapped potential there.

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Book Recommendation: Siddartha by Herman Hesse

If you decide to read Siddartha by Herman Hesse, precious jewels of insight may be discovered in your journey through this novel. Likewise, terrible pessimism and confusion about the world may result from reading this book for you will see the world through the protagonist's eyes (though the book is told in third person,) and it is through this narrative lens that you will share in Siddartha's gloomy perceptions of the world, his triumphs and defeats and humanity's sorrows as seen through his eyes.

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